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Parasite Prevention

Fleas and ticks are more than just a nuisance. They can make your pet extremely uncomfortable and cause several different types of illnesses, like flea allergy dermatitis and tapeworm infestations. Glen Eagles Pet Hospital & Urgent Care Clinic can evaluate your pet to determine the best type of flea prevention medication.

Pet Health Hazards Of Fleas And Ticks

Fleas and ticks carry diseases that can cause serious harm to your pet. The most common problem associated with fleas is flea allergy dermatitis, which causes excessive itching, skin inflammation, sores and hair loss. The second most common problem associated with fleas is tapeworms. Fleas can carry tapeworm eggs, and when the flea bites your pet, the egg can be deposited under your pet’s skin, causing a tapeworm infestation.

Ticks are known to carry many different types of bacteria that can cause zoonosis, rocky mountain spotted fever and Lyme disease. Lyme disease causes lethargy, pain in your pet's joints and a decrease in appetite. Rocky Mountain spotted fever can cause skin lesions, vomiting, problems with your pet’s nervous system and depression. Zoonosis is known for causing bloody diarrhea, fevers, runny noses and watering eyes.

For pets who are small or advanced in age, a severe flea infestation can cause anemia, which is characterized by rapid breathing, lack of appetite and excessive sleeping. If you suspect your pet has anemia due to fleas, it is an emergency situation.

Types Of Prevention Medication Available

When it comes to preventing heartworms, fleas and ticks, we sell only the top of the line and most effective products.Glen Eagles Pet Hospital & Urgent Care Clinic can help you decide which method is best for your pet, depending on his or her lifestyle.

  • Bravecto
  • Simparica Trio
  • Iverhart Plus
  • Revolution for Cats

When it comes to preventing heartworms and controlling fleas and ticks, you can count on us to provide you with the right type of medication for your pet and advice on how to rid your home of flea infestations.

For more information on our flea and tick prevention services or to schedule another type of service, like your pet’s yearly wellness examination, call us at (405) 463-0600  today.

Flea and Tick Prevention

Just like humans, cats and dogs are susceptible to parasitic infections. For pets, this is often the result of an infestation of ticks or fleas. These insects like to feast off of a host's blood supply, but in the process, they spread disease or damage to the host. If you suspect that your pet has ticks or fleas, you will need to seek care from a veterinarian. If left untreated, parasitic infections can turn dangerous for your pet. If you live in or around Edmond and need pest prevention for your furry friend, contact Glen Eagles Pet Hospital & Urgent Care Clinic to schedule an appointment with Dr. Mollet.

Identifying Fleas and Ticks

As a pet owner, the best thing you can do to prevent these pests is to pay attention to your pet's behavior. Is your pet showing signs of fatigue, vomiting, excessive itching, or diarrhea? Have you noticed any red marks on his or her skin? These are telltale signs of a parasitic infection. If a pet is displaying digestive problems for longer than a few weeks, that animal will need veterinary care as soon as possible.

What Fleas and Ticks Do to a Pet

Ticks and fleas can carry diseases that are harmful to an animal. Once an animal is infected, the disease or parasite will spread throughout the host, causing long-term damage to the heart and lungs. While your pet is unable to communicate what he or she is experiencing, the infection could manifest through pain, aches, chills, or fever. Here are some of the vector-borne diseases that are found in cats and dogs:

  • Lyme disease
  • Anaplasmosis
  • Ehrlichiosis
  • Relapsing fever
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Tularemia
  • Typhus

While some cases of a disease can be mild, other cases can result in severe organ damage or fatality. To prevent serious harm or illness to your pet, you will need to take preventative measures for protection. Frequent grooming sessions for your cat or dog should help and so should regular house cleanings. Our veterinarian can provide disease screenings, grooming, and medications such as Iverhart Plus. 

Heartworm Prevention

When it comes to veterinary care, there are a number of diseases that pets should be protected against. At Glen Eagles Pet Hospital & Urgent Care Clinic, we provide several preventative care services for cats and dogs in and around Edmond, including heartworm prevention. Heartworm disease is somewhat common, with an estimated 890,000 dogs reported having this condition.

What is Heartworm Disease?

A heartworm is a parasitic worm that invades an animal's cardiovascular system, infecting the host's heart, lungs, and muscle tissue. When left untreated, heartworm infections can result in long-term organ damage to the pet, potentially leading to a lower quality of life and even fatalities.

As a pet owner, you should check your animal for the following symptoms: coughing fits, fainting spells, difficulty breathing, fatigue, vomiting, diarrhea, or decreased appetite. Pay attention to whether your pet is showing a sickly appearance on a semi-regular basis. If the animal continues to display these symptoms after a few weeks, then he or she should get tested for heartworm disease.

Causes of Heartworm Disease

This disease happens as a result of Dirofilaria immitis, the parasitic worm that digs into the host's heart. These worms can go through several life cycles while living inside the host, and they usually attempt to migrate to other areas of the body.

Prevention and Protection Against Heartworms

To prevent the spread of heartworm disease, you can take your pet to our local veterinarian's office for preventative care. Medication is a popular treatment plan, with pets taking Pyrantel, Moxidectic, Ivermectin, or other drugs to fight against this kind of infection. If the problem has become severe enough, then the veterinarian will perform cardiological surgery to extract the heartworms from your pet's body. You should always consult a qualified veterinary expert to determine the best treatment option for your pet.

Is your pet showing signs of heartworm disease? Contact Edmond to have your furry friend undergo a disease screening. As with most medical conditions, it is easier to prevent heartworm than to treat it. Our animal hospital specializes in preventing and treating a variety of diseases and conditions, including treatment for parasitic infections and surgery for internal damage. 

Get Flea and Tick Prevention in Edmond, OK

Would you like to learn more about flea and tick prevention? Treating an existing flea or tick problem is harder and not always effective when it comes to helping cats and dogs. Prevention is key to keeping your furry friend safe and healthy for years to come. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Mollet at Glen Eagles Pet Hospital & Urgent Care Clinic, contact our team today at (405) 463-0600.

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